BE PENNY-WISE AS IN, TECHNOLOGY-WISE In this season of recession, you really have to cut costs to make your planned event successful and succinct. A specific and very important task for your event is the invite, the prices of printing invitation cards has really capsized. Sharing the cards around is also somehow burdensome. In this our advanced technology age, spending “too much” on invite, going through the stress to share your invitation cards is indeed unnecessary. BULK SMS to the rescue , at a go, send your invite via a web-based bulk sms to your guests at a very cheap rate. Here’s introducing to you, F.F.F BULK SMS ; for your birthday, wedding/anniversary, burial ceremony, meetings etc, reach us to help you send out invite with your name appearing as the sender at N 1 per sms . REQUIREMENTS · Your contacts phone numbers · The event details HOW TO PAY · ...